It's been a long time coming but I am happy to inform you all that the Hoops Down Under Online Store is now open!
FIND IT AT: www.hoopsdownunder.com/shop Here are a few things you need to know before we get started; The Store is only visible for Site Members Please do not get this confused with HDU Season Memberships. In other words, I am not making fans pay to be able to see the online store. As I have said all along, Site Member sign ups for the site are FREE. 2022-23 Season Memberships are entirely optional and are an incentive to help keep this Supporters Group going and keep the website running (especially the e-commerce side of things which is a costly process). With Season Memberships are $15 & you will receive a Members Sticker, 5x entries into our Signed Shirt Giveaway & $5 off your first Online Store purchase. Check it out here: www.hoopsdownunder.com/membership When you sign up for free, the store will become visible (after you've logged in) and you will receive an email asking if you want to purchase a Season Membership. Again, entirely optional. Stock is Limited. First In, First serve! Of what's available initially, I have put a stock inventory for each item. Stock is limited so I cannot over sell. Once inventory runs out, items cannot be purchased. The plan is to get more Sock ordered as orders come through but I will have to judge this on supply & demand.
If stock has run out, simply email me at hoopsdownundergroup@gmail.com with the subject line STOCK REQUEST to request what currently existing stock you would like. Those who do email, will be informed first when Stock is again available. Postage & Packaging Prices
Due the nature of the Wix Store and various products which differ in size and weight, the postage & packaging is a work in progress. As I complete various orders, I should be able to see if postage costs are accurate. The prices I've set may change over the coming weeks or months based on these results.
HDU Scarves Pre-Orders Given there was a split on Design A & B Scarves, I have had to bite the bullet and make Scarves pre-orders only. Once we hit 30 (per design), stock will change to order & those who have pre-ordered will be notified. If pre-orders of a particular design don't reach 30 by January, everyone who did pre-order will receive a full refund. I will keep a updated running tally on the pre-order situation for both designs. Signed Shirt Giveaway
Because of the delay in opening the HDU Online Store (& still waiting for the Signed Shirt to arrive), I have delayed the draw for the 2022-23 Signed QPR Shirt till Early November. Entry Tickets are available to purchase on the online store. There may be delays at times!
One of the factors for delaying the online store opening was due to the nature busy I have been with various work/freelance commitments and other things I had on. Depending on what other commitments I have coming up, there may be times when there is a slight delay in packaging orders and sending them out. I will notify you if this is the case but will do my best to get them out in a timely manner! Bear with me! Any questions, feel free to reach out!
Happy Shopping! Mark
