HDU Memberships Reach 100+ Sign Ups in First Attempt
The Hoops Down Under 2018-19 Membership Package pre-order 14 day period has just ended tonight and it has exceeded it'd total sign up number expectations in it's very first attempt.
At the stroke of midnight, a total of 106 sign ups across Australia.

Hoops Down Under Co-Founder Mark Davis, the brainchild behind the HDU membership packages, was thrilled with the final outcome. "I had initially planned & budgeted for 50 memberships, including a minimum of 25x T-Shirt Packages pre-sold, for the memberships to get given the green light. If we hadn't reached that number, it simply wouldn't have happened and pre-orders were going to get reimbursed" Mark said. "Now we have doubled that target number, the T-Shirts bulk order can go ahead and other expenses such as maintaining and running the Hoops Down Under website through an annual Pro WIX subscription can be covered with the membership revenue. Hopefully from here the HDU memberships will continue to grow and we can come up with incentives every season to get members on board." After August 13th, Hoops Down Under Memberships will still be available but only as Basic Package Sign Ups.
No T-shirts packages will be available as these were strictly limited during the 14 day pre-order period. Check out our Hoops Down Under Members page HERE.